A global data revolution has swept the world. But the state of fundraising analytics today prevents many organizations from being able to access the power of their data. A lack of time, budget, and available talent keep many nonprofits locked out of value sitting in their fundraising history.
Each year, nonprofits rely heavily on individual donors for annual operating costs. But individual donors are extremely volatile -- recent statistics from the Association of Fundraising Professionals show over half an organization's supporters leave each year, and retention levels for new donors can be as low as 15 percent.
Imagine if a business saw an annual churn rate of 50 percent and could only keep hold of one in six clients. Sales and account management would quickly become the top priority -- just as fundraising consumes the time and efforts of many nonprofit leadership teams.
Organizations are faced with a number of choices – but in the face of such a deluge of data, the options just don’t work for most non-profits looking to maximize their marketing budgets.
On the one hand, they can hire a consultant, an experienced industry guru with a demonstrable track record of wrangling big data for big profits. But this expertise comes at a premium cost beyond the means of many organizations. Having a third-party expert research your business and then deliver meaningful strategies is an excellent option, but there are few non-profits with the budget to do this.
A more cost-effective alternative would be for the existing marketing teams to make full use of the wide range of self-serve web portals. But that presents its own challenges and problems -- are staff resources available? Do they have the ability and bandwidth to pick up newer tools? Does the tool provide answers the organization needs, or a "one size fits all" analysis?
A third option would be to build an in-house analytics team, but this only applies to the largest organizations with the scale to take on such a project.

And these options only scratch the surface – the real benefits are to be found in long-term meaningful visualizations of the data combined with marketing automation and powerful artificial intelligence.
This is where Invisible Agents makes the crucial difference.
We partner with the organization through every step of the process. We work with client data direct from their own systems, whether via API, or standard reports and exports -- this means in-house teams are not tasked with data wrangling.
Our solution -- tailored for each organization, and at a price they can afford -- delivers the most eye-catching and informative stories to team members in a presentation format. Invisible Agents walks clients through this presentation to explore key trends in greater depth. At the end of this straightforward process, clients receive audience lists so team members can immediately put them to use for personal outreach, direct mail, or digital communication.